Walking in the Moonlight

Walking in the moonlight
Afraid of the silver clouds
Afraid of the no moon night
Afraid to lose my path

Sunshine is too short
And maybe too bright
But now I must survive
Night after night

But I believe
There will come the day
Where I as see nothing but sun

You’re my sun baby
And I suffer cause I don’t see your light
And I suffer cause I’m afraid of the night

So before the sunset
I’m must tell you I want to some rays as close as Can I
And you are my sun today, and every day and night

Ballad of Acaicon and Em

Hey you Let me say this story
I heard it long long time ago
Story of a lost, forgotten glory
Hidden in the lion roar

Acaicon and Em
Lost soul and gem
Waves and rocky shore

But survived could
just One of them
One could escape that hord

Em wanted to be just like that one
Who´s hugging as waves their rocky shore
Second by second , one by one
Sanding rocks into not such violent form

Acai wanted to be just like those clouds
To travel distances never seen in his eyes
Bring fundamentals of living to create new life
And then again and again until they will die

They was just like brother and sister
Suddently Blood spilled into one form
But Never died , either born
Just like rainless and without thunders storm

Acai did continue in her dream
She went distances he never could
Not happy ,but with god dancing
second wish forever lost in stream

Em in endless sorrow and pain
Suddently lost, drowning in flames
Out his path, just with his boat
Boat made out of his faded love

Cause His boat was the last thing
Containing little piece of her
Close to cliff, hard to believe
That he would be able to jump

Jump out of past
It is really hard to leave
Things we loved, but were not dumb
We hate cage of time, but we cant break free

But he did jumped, trying to unchain
So then he was swimming in ocean endessly
Out of cliff and without boat
Half survived, half lost in troughts

Everyday and every hour
Wandering in endless sea
of course, he did meet someone
But noone remember beeing on own feets

So he started to looking for boat
For women able to share it
Why not to find our mystical shore?
And maybe help him to build it?

But everytime he saw better ship
He jumped into the cold sea
And crying woman with her tears
Filled whole boat, until it did sink

He did start this chain reaction
And now we cannot stop
What he started, broken hearted
By death, now hes creating sunken hearths

Ten years of destroying ships
Now he cant find another one
He filled that sea with so many tears
That shore, his dream, almost dissapeared

And other boats and ships
Scared away by warning lights
Warning lights on that place
Where he was swimming, every day and night

After ten years of surviving
His brain couldnt work on
Mind was creating escape plan
Guiding him into nowhere

He was swimming in painfull soup
And taste of drops on his lips
Will remind him forever
How many defendless ships

How many boats he did destroy
How many drops of women tears
Did fill this ocean so much
That were still able to feel

Taste of salt in our oceans
And however ocean seems to be infinite
It do have end, and we are able
Not to see it as a garbage pill

It was dark night ,with big, shiny moon
one guy swimming in giant silver pool
Everyone trought he was fool
But one women did know, what to do

Or maybe she didnt…
But she trought so
And she did it, noone ever knew why
Cause it looked like hard, paintfull way to die

But she did not shared his ship
Cause she knews man like him
She just brought him onto the shore
Helped him to create new boat

She started to teach him,
how to navigate trought sea
And the one day, normal as everyother
She suddently disapeared

And now at the end he finaly know
Its not right to share our boats
Better make powerfull fleet
It is always better to have two ships

Not chained together too strong
because in the wild storm
Iron still can hold
But wood is most important for our boats

When he was laying ,prepared to final sleep
at last second he realized
That women that save him was just fantasy
Noone saved him, just he did
Cause noone else can , my dear friend

Im okay

Its a really hard place to live
When you got no submarine
When you got nowhere to go
Out of this crazy rush world

People are in so fast flow
That a simple Bernoulli law
Is forcing you to be same
And you got noone else to blame

When Im sitting in my secret place
World is flowing by very fast
I see just bloom of your face
While you running your last race

My mind , Is just like a sponge
Soaking and soaking for so much time
Then in worst scenario exploding
throwing Debris in non deterministic lines

Im okay mom , Im okay
My head is just not the same
And I just need an open air
To get little more of oxygen

Im okay mom , Im okay
But sometimes is it not a fair
I do see, you want to stare
Sometimes i wish ,That you dont care

Im okay dad , Im okay
I Hope you got someone to blame
Dont blame yourself , please dont blame
Cause it would be my cross to wear

Playing with mind

Playing with words
Playing with minds
Playing with chords
Playing with cards

Playing on stage
Playing it loud
Playing it soft
Playing it hard

We dont know we are acting
So we are acting like a gods
we wont win oscars
we will win noone know what and why

Someone could think
we will win something we dont own now
peace, liberty, no stress life
But how could be peace with liberty
I do feel some kind of selecting

Im not passing exam
And … do you?
One wheel pointed to hell
One up to the sky